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Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol | S2 E4- "Le Paradis Pour Toi" | Recap & Review

Writer: Michael SpillanMichael Spillan


Well, episode four started off with a bang. Literally. As Genet gets closer to moving in on the Nest. This is where a big twist of the show goes down. Carol questions Genet's motives and her plan, it seems like Genet obliges but really tells Carol that she can indeed kill Daryl. But she'll be doing it as a walker. WHAT?! Genet proceeds to throw Carol with the rest of the group that is going to be turned into super-walkers. Of course, with the wits that Carol has, she immediatley drops as soon as the fire starts. She also realizes, like maybe most of the audience watching, that when everyone turns- what will she do then. Well, somehow she escapes the hoard and makes it to the go-kart with Codron tied up to it.

Now you're probably wondering, much like we were, how did Carol just get up and run over to the go-kart and just take off with barley any attempt to stop her? Yeha, we're still waiting for that answer too but we really tend not to worry about these things anymore. Anyway, Carol and Codron eventually make it to the gates of the Nest and are fo course let right in- but with a little more resistance than wence they came. Codron then takes a heroic stand and fend of some Nesters so that Carol can make it to Daryl. He tells her to tell Daryl that he "did it for the kid" Awe, sentimental.

As Carol makes her way through the fortress, Isabelle simultaniously is trying to reason with Losang about the situation with Laurant. Losang has pretty much had enough with Isabelle's opinions and accusations so Losang puts a knife in her side. She eventually makes it outside when a super-walker runs (yes runs) torwards her. But of course she is "saved" by Carol. Carol does the best she can to comfort her and make her comfortable. At some point, Isabelle must've told Carol where to find Daryl. Meanwhile, a guard makes his way to the cells where Isabelle and where Daryl is being kept. The guard is being chased by some super-walkers, and my favorite scene fo the episode happens when Daryl just sticks his arm in the air- telling the gaurd to unchain him. The guard obliges and Daryl absolutely demolishes fools- gaurds and walkers alike.

Then it happens, the reunion...we've all been waiting for? The reason this is posed as a question is because is this the reunion we all wanted? I am split on how this all went down after the guards and walkers were all wiped out, they both see each other "through the storm" as it were. Daryl, a guy who doesnt show much emotion, normally, almost immediatley breaks down at the sight of Carol. As they are hugging, they both kind of realize they don't have much time for this as Carol hints that Isabelle needs help. I feel like the reunion could have been bigger and better. But it did happen as it probably should have as they both were kicking ass on their way to each other- without even realizing it.

By the time Daryl and Carol make it back out to Isabelle, it's too late as they can't contain the bleeding. Now, I feel that Isabelle deserved a way better death than this. I understand taking a knife in the gut int he zombie apocoltpse is not ideal, and probably hard to fix especially with so much going on at once- but we've seen charachters come back from much worse. Just ask Glenn (the dumpster scene), admit it- you fell for it too. So now the question is, how will Daryl move on without her? Knowing Daryl in this world, he will probably just shove his feelings down becuase he [and they] have lost so many people already. The plus side? More room on the plane.

Of course, Daryl and Carol are able to escape the Nest without being seen. They go to the hiding spot where they plus Laurant and Fallou are supposed to meet. They are not there. D&C eventually make their way to a small village in Normandy. They befriend a sweet old couple, Theo and Didi. They inform the travelers that Laurant had passed through there, and spoke highly of them- probably becuase they think Carol is sister Isabelle. Why correct them right? We come to find out that Theo told someone from Genet's brigade that they are there. A bunch of military trucks eventually show up as Didi is doing he rbest to hide Daryl and Carol. Genet and her crew sniff them out- but it cost Theo his life. Another character down. Daryl, Carol and Genet- plus some of her soldiers- get into a scrap and it end with somewhat of the Spiderman pointing fingers at eachother type of scenario. Carol [and Daryl] win the ol' wild west staredown as Carol puts some into Genet. So that's two pretty big-name characters that fall this episode...or is it? Sorry Theo- you only had a one episode arc.

Okay so, not really sure where I land on this episode as far as grading. I always enjoy when walkers are flying everywhere- and in this episode, literally. Also, shootouts are always fun as well. I think we are leaning towards a low B- to a high C+. What makes lean torwards the B+ is what I just mentioned- and I'm also glad that TWD universe is never too scared to kill-off "big-name" characters. Why it's near a C+ is mainly petty stuff. Like how does no one see Daryl and Carol leave the Nest, and why did anyone pickup abandoned guns when they are dropped by people dying? All we saw Daryl throw in the back seat of the car was the shotgun that they've had. Where's Rick's sherrif gun bag when you need it?

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