Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol | S2 E5- "Vouloir, C'est Pouvoir" | Recap & Review
Episode five begins with Daryl and Carol with a crapped out car and stranded on a dirt road. Daryl is already thinking about Isabelle- I do normally tend to lean towards the emotionless Daryl who just kicks ass and takes names, but I like that in this series they are letting him get into his feelings. Carol is also letting her feelings, or conscience, get the best of her too by knowing that Ash isn't going to like the fib she had told him to get him to fly her there. But they really have to choice but to show up and explain it. It's almost like lying on your resume- you say you can do a bunch of stuff and that you're good at it, and just figure out the rest later.
When Daryl and Carol arrive to the neat little garage- or hanger more like- they notice that Ash is not there, but rather some walkers that are caught on traps. Also an alive dude who is barely hanging on. Daryl puts him out of his misery, but the question is, who is he and where did he come from? But also, how did he knowingly get stuck in a trap that seems pretty blatantly noticeable? Obviously though- Ash is no where to be seen. Daryl knows some people who can help them track Ash down.
Fallou! That's right Fallou is still alive, after being a little scared that he didn't make it to the Rooftop community, it was good to see him. And he obviously got Laurant to safety as well. When Daryl & Carol show up to the Rooftop, Laurant, and for the most part everybody, is happy to see them. But you kind of get a sense that since they know that Daryl is trying to get back to the states- him being there might mean something has gone wrong- or he just wants to say goodbye. Fallou explains to them that finding Ash won't be easy, but he knows where they must look...dun dun dun! Genet's old stomping grounds. When they get there, they find that a car is surrounded by walkers. Daryl and Carol rush to get tot he car and come up with a plan to shoot a couple of walkers with the super-walker serum. All of a sudden, the normal walkers all fall in a heartbeat as if their heads exploded. How? With what? I would love to have seen the outside of the car at that point. The super-walkers then proceed to bust through the car windows, but all for nothing.
Understandably, Ash is a little disoriented and confused as to why a grown man is now with them instead of Carol's daughter. As Ash crashes on the couch with a mild concussion, Carol spruces up the plane and Daryl ventures off back to the Demimonde- you remember, the very shady underground club now run by Anna. But of course, no matter where Daryl goes, first Genet and co. seem to be right on his tail, but this time it's Losang. But Daryl comes to find out that Codron has brought Laurant there safely after Losang arrived at the Rooftop. Anna causes a little distractions so that Daryl, Codron and Laurant can sneek out. Expectedly, Losang and his gang start disapearing as Codron and Daryl are picking them off. Then, Codron battles with Jacinta (Losang's right hand woman..and possible love interest?), and Daryl scrapes it up with Losang himself. Again, as expected, both Daryl and Codron come out on top and Daryl grabs Laurant and heads back to the plane.
At first, Laurant didn't want to go with Daryl, Carol & co. to the states, but as the episode goes, he has a change of mind and decides he does. Back at the makeshift hanger, Ash is of course pissed off at Carol for lying to him. When Daryl and Laurant arrive, Laurant is excited to see the plane, but Ash is not excited about how many people are expecting to leave. He says that one person has to sit this trip out. Like we asked last week, who's going to get the short end of the stick and have to stay behind? The bond and family-like tie between Daryl and Carol almost make it seem like they are guaranteed a seat. Would Daryl have been more relieved if Laurant did in fact stay in France? Would Ash really refuse a kid? Maybe. But then all of Daryl's killing and battling to save the kid would have been all for nothing if he wouldn't have been able to take him with to the states.
As we come to the grading section for this episode, I feel like this was the most "complete" episode of the season so far. There was some twists and turns, but also had it's normal and predictable elements that we're used to seeing in this universe as well. I decided to settle on a solid B for this one. We sort of knew there was going to be some conflict between Ash and Carol once he found out the truth and when she came back with Daryl and not her daughter. Not only that, Ash exclaims that there just isn't enough room or fuel for that many people to make it all the way back. Understandable- this isn't a 747 we're dealing with. I also liked the sort of "truce" that formed between Daryl and Codron. It was cool to see them fight in the same scene, maybe not together- but fighting for the same reason nonetheless. So the question still remains- who will stay and who will go? For some reason, I think the "owner" of the plane will be taking up French lessons.
Don't forget to catch 'The Stalking Dead' every Sunday evening at 6 mountain!