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Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol | S2 E6- ""Au Revoir Les Enfants" | Recap & Review

Writer: Michael SpillanMichael Spillan


Well, if you were expecting a great magnitude of a season finale, you were probably let down, like a lot of us. But hopefully TWD universe will make it up to us in some form or fashion. But for now, we can only comment on what we saw. So here we go.

We'll pick up on our adventure when Fallou's Scottish mates meet up with the group. My first reaction was not really trusting these Scotts. But because Daryl trusts Fallou, it seems like Daryl just lets them lead them to Europe. Meanwhile, Fallou has a change of heart with joining the group and stay back with his boo, Akila. So for now, it appears that our growing fear of Fallou not making this far, is safe. The question for him now is, will we see him again? Will he stay in France or make his way to where Daryl and the crew is going? Time will tell.

So the group ends up in a tunnel, where it seems like a lot of stuff went down in a previous time. We see an old checkpoint that was once guarded and ran by the military. But we also see a lot of dead bodies. Dead bodies with bullet holes in the head- and as someone said, it looks like they helped each other out and shot each other. Then, everyone's Ace Ventura's voice came out when they mentioned Guano, aka bat crap. The camera also pans by some gas masks just casually hanging out on the floor of a tent. We all knew as an audience this was a clue that maybe they should use them, but our characters- not so much. Eventually, the group just starts losing it, hallucinating and flat out going crazy. First, the new Scottish peeps were kind of smart and made their way back to the gas masks- although they ran into Daryl, and it did not end well for them. Second, Carol was once again seeing the walker version of Sophia. She ended up following Sophia into some other corridor of the tunnel. Walker-Sophia ends up wondering off but comes back but not as a walker. Carol was able to give this imaginary child a hug. Now usually when people are hallucinating, they tend to be seeing what their mind wants them to- but turns out that something is there in it's place. So I thought she was full-blown hugging a walker- but no, nothing. Then all of a sudden Carol was cured of whatever Sophia pains were troubling her. Third, Cordron starts wailing on Daryl thinking that he stilled killed Codron's brother, and actually stabs Daryl. Codron eventually runs off down the tunnel, not to be seen again- his status has officially been changed to "unknown".

Funny how the season finale is going to produce the shortest write-up about it- as most of the episode was inside the tunnel full of guano. Like we touched on at the top, this might have been one of- if not the mildest- of all season finales in TWD universe history. But maybe they'll make up for it in season three. The episode does end with Daryl and Carol walking off into the sunset, through the guano and gas masks on. Que credits. Again, feeling pretty let down seeing this "cliff hanger". But now the questions come up as we look ahead to the next season: Will they have a clean break to England? Will we see Fallou and Codron again? Will Ash and Laurent make it safely back to the states? Will we see any other characters from the OG series? So many questions to ponder- maybe that's the unintentional cliff-hanger the show wants us to grasp at, a lot of "what ifs".

As we come to the grading portion, and with the finale and "cliff-hanger" we were left with, I am leaning towards our first "C" of the season. Yes, obviously the ended has a lot to do with that grade, but also the all of a sudden- trusting nature of Daryl to let the Scottish people just show up and lead them. Which, if he went with his normal gut, probably would have avoided the skirmish in the tent. Also, sort of understanding, but not really- the relationship between Carol and her visions of Sophia. Again, on one hand we get she's struggling with perhaps lying to Ash about why they are there, and maybe that unplugged the hole that Carol was stuffing these feeling down about it, but being able to hug and imaginary Sophia just gave her closure about it? Okay. Who would have known radioactive guano would make you trip out pretty hard.

Hopefully you'll stick around with us on here and "The Stalking Dead" podcast when 'Dead City' returns!


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